Friday, July 25, 2008

This is it!

As far as I know I will be auditioning for a part in Dearly Beloved at our local theater. The catch is my most recent performance was as a Freshmen in college-1992. I was a main character in the play Ruth- I was Orpha-the daughter in law that did not go with Naomi. Ok, so I only actually had 2 spoken lines, before becoming 'women at market' for the remainder of the play.

So I am now thinking what on earth I should sing if I am asked to. I am thinking Stupid Boy, but I am not sure. I can not imagine learning all the lines right now. My brain has not functioned at that level since.... well ever! I still dream about doing field shows and being the only one out there who doesn't know the guard routine.

This could be fun, or I could cry myself to sleep for months-I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Aprille Roberts said...

I used to have those dreams at Journey Church all the time, it would be time to start church and I wouldn't know the songs, I wouldn't be able to find the songs, etc... I'm sure you'll do great! I'd love to come see you in action if you get the part!
Love ya,
A :0)