Thursday, July 3, 2008

a recurring dream

First I must explain my obsession with church camp. This is my favorite thing in life-some people love Christmas- I love camp.
So here is the dream.
It is usually the 3rd night of camp and it is time to get ready for church. I suddenly realize that I have worn everything I brought already. What, no cute outfit for church? I can not describe the horror. Camp has always been so important to me that I pack everything I own.
The summer before I left for college-my last time as a camper. I took everything with me that I was taking to decorate my dorm room and so did Kristan-my best friend.
I planned for months every year what to take.
Now-it is even worse, because not only do I have to pack me to look presentable for the week, but my three beauties as well.
Lyndsey packs herself-but I am still ultimately responsible for the look. Adara is like me and will just pack it all and a every shoe she own just to be safe. Tori Beth will pack certain outfits together, in order of the day she will wear them.
I am telling you the next couple of day at our house will be filled with frenzy and excitement as we prepare for camp.
Pray for Holy Spirit to do in every camper what He did in me at camp. That feeling of an annointing so strong you can not wait to be back there again.
Off to Mecca I go.


Aprille Roberts said...

God bless you as you journey to your Mecca! I hope you have a great time and that you and the girls and everyone there is SOOOO profoundly and abundantly and overflowingly blessed!!! Be sure and tell Lori I said Hi if you think of it!
See ya later!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!!!!!!!!I totally understand about the clothes thing and will help you out anyway I can, but as for the rest GOD IS IN CONTROL and I know everyone will leave with a dream of some sort and they will all be spirit filled whether we know it now or not. You are so awsome to do this for the LORD.