Friday, August 22, 2008

Only living part of my dream

I do not have to remind you how wonderful my life is, it is annoying to most women. I am a very blessed but spoiled wife and mother. My husband was created just for me by the God who knew exactly what I would need. My children are everything I could hope for (but a little messy).

There is something missing, and you wont beleive what I think it is. More kids! I do not believe it is prudent to have any more bio babies. But I am so fascinated by the stay at home moms with mega families. I think about so often that it may be considered an obsession. David and I discuss it pretty frequently, but like most men he is worried about the financial end.

What I dream of doing is rescuing siblings from being split up. I want our house to be the first foster home for little ones, their first safe environment. I want our family to love children and their biological families until they can get on their feet. I know it doesn't make sense to most moms, to love and let go, but I see it as a great accomplishment if they are reunited with a family that can make it work.

I talked to Summer last night-our first foster daughter-and she simply amazes me! She has every right to hate and be bitter-but she's not. She is not a statistic for DCS, she is a proud mom and soldier in the US Army, about to leave for Basic Training. I will not go into all she has overcome in the last year but most young moms would have thrown in the towel, but she didn't.
She said last night what a great influence Iwas on her and I just cried! To think that I was given this child by God for a preciously short amount of time, and actually made a differnce.

I am truly passionate about this, I wonder when it will be my turn again?


Anonymous said...

aww.. Marla. You are such a great person. I love you! =)

Aprille Roberts said...

You have such an amazing attitude Marla, and such a big heart for these kids. I'm sure that is a desire God has placed in you, and that He will use you mightily in this area, just as He used you to impact Summer's life. Love you!
April :0)